Indonesia, also known as The Spice Islands, is an area of the world where the name of Jesus is not widely known and where 234 unique people groups are still unreached with the Gospel of Jesus. People are hungry for the Good News and the fields are white and ready for harvest. In Indonesia, we will be discipling our new friends and equipping them to launch small groups among unreached people groups. Our role will be to support them in developing these groups into house churches that deploy new small groups that do the same.

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  1. Almost 90% Muslim
  2. Other Major Religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Ethnic Religions, Hinduism
  3. Nearly 900 people groups
  4. Over 650 Unique Languages
  5. More than 250 Million People
  6. Most people do not know anyone with a relationship with Jesus
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This Initiative is led by Converge. Here in the US, Converge is a movement of churches working to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. They do this by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide. For over 165 years they have helped churches bring life change to communities in the United States through church planting and multiplication, leadership training and coaching and global missions.

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